JFK Lancer Productions & Publications
325. COMPELLING EVIDENCE: NEW LOOK AT THE ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT KENNEDY, by Michael Griffith. (1996)Research notes and essays from one of the most respected researchers on the case.$15.00
by Richard Bartholomew, (1993), 174
pages. $14.95
323.2/96 EYE WITNESS:Ed Hoffman
speaks about November
1963 and his
search for someone to listenby Ed Hoffman & Ron Friedrich 50 pages plus
Hoffman a deaf-mute
, saw strange happenings behind the fence in Dealey Plaza and had a glimpse
of horror in the limousine as it passed
underneath him. Now you can read the whole story of this most important eye
witness. Ed Hoffman's FBI files are
included. $16.95
324. DEEP POLITICS II: ESSAY ON OSWALD, MEXICO, AND CUBA by Peter Dale Scott .The new revelations in US Government files, 1994-95. A collection of essays that probe deep into the heart of the possiblity of conspiracy.$15.95
301. THE JFK SYMPOSIUM August 19-22, 1993, Sudbury Canada. A compilation of the three day Canadian symposium featuring Marina Oswald-Porter, Larry Howard, Jean Hill, and Beverly Oliver. $12.95
302. JFK QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE, by Martin Brazil (1987), 62 pages. A collection of background information about what happened in Dallas! RECOMMENDED FOR STUDENTS & BEGINNERS!!! $14.95
303. NOMENCLATURE OF AN ASSASSINATION CABAL, by William Torbitt (1970), 169 pages. This manuscript, compiled by a TX attorney, outlines the complex scenario of JFK's Assassination. aka the Torbitt document reprint. $19.95
304. WHEN THEY KILL A PRESIDENT, by Roger Craig (1991), 32 pages. This manuscript was written by a former Dallas Deputy Sheriff and JFK Assassination eyewitness who was black-listed for his "conspiracy" views related to the JFK case. REPRINT $12.95.
THE PENN JONES COLLECTION: The following CONTINUING INQUIRY volumes contain 12 copies of the monthly newsletters published between August 1976 and July 1981. A MUST FOR COLLECTORS.
305. VOLUME I: 8/22/76 to 7/22/77 (1st year)..............................................................$29.95
306. VOLUME II: 8/22/77 to 7/22/78 (2nd year)............................................................$29.95
307. VOLUME III: 8/22/78 to 7/22/79 (3rd year)............................................................$29.95
308. VOLUME IV: 8/22/79 to 7/22/80 (4th year)............................................................$29.95
309. VOLUME V: 8/22/80 to 7/22/81 (5th year).............................................................$29.95
310. VOLUME VI: 8/22/81 to 7/22/82 (6th year)............................................................$29.95
311. ALL SIX VOLUMES:...................................................................................$150.00
312. THE ASSASSINATION STORY. A compilation of newspaper clippings from The Dallas Morning News (November 23-December 11, 1963) and The Dallas Times Herald (November 22-December 10, 1963). $12.95
313. "SO NEAR...AND YET SO FAR", by Christopher Scally, 102 pages.A manuscript discussing the House Select Committee on Assassinations' investigation into the murder of JFK. $14.95
314. THE CLAY SHAW TRIAL: NEWSPAPER ARTICLES.An assortment of newspaper articles from all over the country discussing the trial of Clay Shaw.$12.95
315. LATE-BREAKING NEWS ON CLAY SHAW'S UNITED KINGDOM CONTACTS by Anthony Frewin (1992), 37 pages. Reprint of an article that originally appeared in the November 1990 issue of Lobster magazine. This also includes a little known interview with Clay Shaw that appeared in a 1969 volume of Penthouse magazine.$12.95
316. A LESSON IN CONSPIRACY AND CRYPTOLOGY by W. Blaine Scudder Jr This is one of the most unusual listing of information we have available! Scudder analyses a cryptogram of LHO's two aliases- Alek James Hidell and O.H. Lee. What results is amazing proof that Oswald left us a message that he was a PATSY! $12.95
317. DATELINE: DALLAS- THE FIRST TWO YEARS (204 pages). Bound edition of the first two years of Dateline: Dallas that were published by the JFK Assassination Information Center.$34.95
318. KENNEDY ASSASSINATED! OSWALD MURDERED! Complied by Ian Griggs 212 pages, Minute by minute accounts of the two killings as seen through the eyes of the international media. Over 200 international news agency flashes reproduced here in full size.$14.95
319. LET'S SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT, LETTER TO THE EDITOR DALLAS MORNING NEWS, Dr. Charles Crenshaw, (1994) 35 pages. Rebuttal to JAMA and Dallas Morning News.CHARLES CRENSHAW, M.D. & GARY SHAW v. LAWRENCE SUTHERLAND, et al.$6.00
321. AIR FORCE ONE TRANSCRIPT 11/22/63 (From AUDIO #604).$5.00